Monday, August 11, 2008

Romblon continued

August 11 6 pm Monday Kota Kinabalu

Back again to Romblon........
After we left Tony's house Avon drove us further along the coast. During our lunch stop, I went snorkeling though the warning to watch out for the jelly fish, "but they won't bother you," made it a tad bit unenjoyable so I got out sooner rather than later. We had a nice lunch and it was there that we met Toffy Padua. He had kayaked over from his home. Toffy and Avon were long-time friends from their school days in Manila. Toffy invited us to his family's compound to see his environmentally friendly sustainable tree home.

We drove and he kayaked and we all got there at about the same time.

First the outside. Toffy's dad has his own house. Toffy's sister has her own house. Toffy has his own house. We didn't see his dad's but we did see both his and his sister's.

See my pictures of Toffy's environmentally friendly/sustainable tree house with sleeping loft.

Tabblo: Toffy's Tree Home

I loved Toffy's treehouse and his sister's Zen like home. Both Toffy and Avon would like to see Romblon develop in an environmentally friendly way. is Toffy's web site. He seems a real creative guy. He was a wonderful host who was willing to take his time to share ideas with us.

After the visit with Toffy we went back to Romblon Town and Avon drove us around to find cases of Gatorade and then dropped us off at our dinghy. We had taken much more of his time than we had contracted for, but he also enjoyed visiting friends. With all of the visiting we didn't make it to the local fort up behind the town. Next time. Romblon is a place we hope to revisit.

I also want to share the photos of our visit to the marble works. But that will have to wait for another email.

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