Thursday, August 7, 2008

Romblon 3

August 7 4:30 pm Kota Kinabalu

Where we still are waiting for a second package. The first one came with a part for Randal's seatek computer but it didn't fix the problem. This afternoon a boat neighbor Terry on Valhalla came to try to fix our AIS boat identification system. It wouldn't fix. We may never leave K K! Luckily the Sox won! You all won't believe this, but I would have preferred the computer work and the Sox lose. See what winning 2 Series does to you. Me anyway. Actually, we really are discouraged by the computer issues. Not sure what plan C is or when we will leave to get to Indonesia by the first week in September. This is also typical boating life.

We are rejoining our friends in Romblon for this post.

Tony Parkinson

Our second full day on Romblon was a tour of the marble works, stops at various resorts, the local cathedral, and visits to the homes of both Tony Parkinson and Toffy Romero. We had a very full day indeed! I'll write about all of our friends first and then do an email about the marble works and one about Romblon in general.

When we left the marble works and began our tour of Romblon Island, Avon asked if we wanted to see Tony Parkinson's home with its wonderful view. We said sure. Here is a quick intro to Tony.. "David Anthony “Tony” Parkinson, an Englishman, lived 28 years in Kenya. He came to the Philippines when the Calait Animal Reserve in Palawan was created in 1977. (The Safari Park in Illultuk Bay where we spent Typhoon Frank.) If you ask him, he will surely tell you stories about the translocation of eight species of big Kenyan mammals to a Philippine Island." Tony is a "retired" animal conservationist. In his working life he tried to place animals in settings where they would thrive, where they would be protected, and where more people around the world could come to see and appreciate them. He has worked with many of the world's major zoos. He is acquainted with many well known animal conservationists. Ultimately, knowledgeable people would be the animal's best protection.

See pictures from Tony's house.
Tabblo: Romblon 3

We both found Tony fascinating and very cordial considering we sort of invaded his "view." We actually hadn't expected meet him, just see the view. We were lucky to catch him at home.

One of Randal's favorite books is West With the Night by Beryl Markham. She spent her growing up years in Kenya. Randal told Tony Beryl Markham stories and Tony told us Tony stories. Randal made a gift of his copy of the book to Tony and received a wonderful emailed thanks.

And we still had more adventures to go after we left Tony!

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